Marbella popularity soars as Covid changes lifestyles
Covid has changed so much, and has opened opportunities for working age people to be free to move where they want and seek a better life for their families. Now…
Rent an apartment at the best price
Covid has changed so much, and has opened opportunities for working age people to be free to move where they want and seek a better life for their families. Now…
The good news for anyone tired of Budget speculation is that the end is in sight. After nearly four months of uncertainty and falling consumer confidence, the government will reveal…
Rising energy prices, expensive food and sky high fuel prices at the petrol-pumps mean some people are deciding to ditch the nights out and luxury treats for staying at home…
Email Sign Up For Our Free Weekly Newsletter According to CommercialEdge's latest U.S. office market report, despite the attention garnered by return-to-office mandates from prominent companies, office utilization has remained…
"By using the initial bridge, the borrower was able to secure the time needed to increase the property's occupancy and cash flow"- Jason Shead - TAB The property was a…
Subscribe Join over 14,000 people who receive regular market updates, investing tips and group block news. Please select Advantage Property Newsletter Weekly updates & Blocks news Seminars and Events Please…
Subscribe Join over 14,000 people who receive regular market updates, investing tips and group block news. Please select Advantage Property Newsletter Weekly updates & Blocks news Seminars and Events Please…
Икономика на щастието – така може да се определи ситуацията в България. Дълго се чудехме откъде идва този изблик на щастие, за който говореше едно от предходните ВРЕДИТЕЛСТВА (синоним на…
Гонят се инвеститори, а имаме 5 пъти ръст на чужденците имащи постоянно пребиваване за последните 8 години. Приложение 1 Очевидно това не са инвеститори клас А и с приоритетен проект!…
23.5% ръста на вноса от Украйна за първите осем месеца. Приложение 1 Общо внесените стоки от там са за 1 547.9 милона лева. Отрицателното ни салдо за този период е…