На това му се вика служебна победа
На това му се вика служебна победа. В България се правят честни и демократични избори… ама друг път. Както каза ръководителят на временното ВРЕДИТЕЛСТВО, ние внимателно проверяваме там, където не…
Приказна китайска вечер
Приказна китайска вечер. Среща на древната китайска поезия с модерните ритмиНа 9 ноември 2024 г. Центърът за съвременни изкуства „Топлоцентрала“ в София ще представи уникална тематична музикална вечер. За първи…
Конференцията за международно сътрудничество за устойчиво развитие
Представители на БКТПП участваха на Конференцията за международно сътрудничество за устойчиво развитие през 2024 г. и конференцията за зелено и нисковъглеродно икономическо сътрудничество Китай-ЕС. Конференцията се проведе в гр. Джинан…
Greater Palm Beach Area Residential Sales Drop 20 Percent Annually in September
Email Sign Up For Our Free Weekly Newsletter According to new data from the Miami Association of Realtors, residential sales in Palm Beach County dropped by 19.7% year-over-year, decreasing from…
Mortgage Rates Hit 7 Percent One Week Before U.S. Presidential Election
Email Sign Up For Our Free Weekly Newsletter U.S. homebuyers lose $33,000 in purchasing power in last 6 weeks of election cycle According to national property broker Redfin, a U.S.…
Build to Rent investment reaches £800 million in Q3 says Savills
The UK Build to Rent sector saw robust growth in Q3 2024, attracting £800m in investment, claims Savills. Single Family Housing (SFH) led the way, representing a record 50.4% of…
Developer to showcase UK property schemes to African investors
A property developer is set to highlight the potential of the UK property market, in particular in Liverpool, to investors in South Africa. The International Property Investment Conference taking place…
Case study: BLEND completes £3.4m funding for new build development in Cornwall
"At BLEND, we’ve built a reputation for being a through-the-cycle lender, a lender who understands the development process and the challenges that come with it and why relationship lending matters…
Luxury property world-wide shifts into a lower growth gear
Knight Frank has published its latest assessment of 44 cities worldwide – and it shows luxury property shifting into lower gear. Prime residential prices grew at an annual rate of…
Revealed – what type of property most buyers actually want
A ‘freshen-upper’is the most desirable property type (49%)when looking for a new home, according to agency Jackson-Stops. The research, which surveyed over 3,000 of Jackson-Stops customers from across England and…